
Steven is Hung

Published September 11, 2024 tag category
Steven is Hung

*** Well Neighbour explores with me....

It was around 1990 give or take a year when Steven first moved in next door, i came to know soon enough he had relocated from down south a good distance away, i never knew how or why he came to end up living literally next door to me but what i did know was - looking back on that time in my life was i was very happy he did!

Steven was the same age as me, in fact he was about a month younger his birthday was early June mine the beginning of May. He was stockier than me, in fact i was always referred to as skinny during my teenage years, whereas he was quite broad a well stocked - not - just well proportioned in all areas.

As soon as he moved in with his parents and older brother i cannot recall how, but we became introduced and were knocking about together straight away, we would play football together as that's what all the lads our age did after school. Eventually we became almost best friends and hung out after school most nights just mucking about, i would call for Steven on the way to school each morning and we would talk during the 15 minute walk to school about anything and everything, Steven wasn't in my class for most lessons but a big group of us lads would meet every break and lunchtime to play football whether it be a handful of us or a big group playing against the year above.

Even though we lived next door (well Stevens house was at the bottom of my garden on a neighboring side street) one day i asked my folks if he could sleep over, I had 2 brothers myself and living in a 3 bedroom house i shared a room with my middle brother, i cant recall how the circumstance came but my brother was away and i asked if it would be ok for Steven to stay over and sleep in my Brothers bed, "Sure" said my mum, being in our early teens staying over and feasting on fizzy pop, crisps and chocolate was a real treat for us, so it was arranged and we promptly purchased tones of sugary snacks and drink to feast on. We decided we would set up a table between the 2 single beds and play a board game, we had TV and a computer but back then playing games was actually pretty normal!

After a few rounds of games, un prompted and without hesitation i suggest we try some 'dares..' at this point we were both sat in our single beds under the covers with just our boxers on..
"Go on then " said Steven "what sort of dares he questioned...?"

After a few stupid dares involving feeding as much food into your mouth or burping like a pig i suggested a new tact...
"....dare you to dip your cock in your drink i said..."
Steven didn't flinch at my outrageous suggestion, you go first i said....
"Ok" he replied calmly....

With that he folded over the sheet exposing his boxers, i could immediately make out the outline of a very inside his boxers - and with that he pushed his boxers down from his waist to reveal a giant cock, he picked up his pint glass from the table between the beds and moving it near his manhood dipped his cock in his drink if only the tip it was because it was so big it seemed difficult to manouevere into his glass - but he managed it..."shall i drink it now he said?"

"Yeah go on then..." i replied trying not to stare at his giant pole still on show.
Steven downed his fizzy cola and plonked the glass down! "Your turn" he said
"... but Steven.." i paused - "i am no where near as big as you, i am a bit embarrassed" i said
"Don't worry" Steven assured me, "come on its your turn...."

I didn't realize but my cock was rock hard such was the effect Steven's masterpiece had on me...

My own cock was about 6" long when erect and only around 3-4" girth but i felt comfortable enough already in front of Steven to fold back the covers and reveal my cock, after he had caught sight of it i decided to push on and dip my cock in my drink, then necking it down in one i quickly folded the covers over to hide my cock away..... i am not sure why as we had both seen each others now and the awkward part was done, he knew what i had and more importantly for me i knew Steven was the owner of a giant cock measuring (estimated at this stage) at being 9" long and girth of around 7" it was not only huge but very impressive. I must of been in a daydream as suddenly Steven spoke up, "what's the next dare?" I sensed he had enjoyed showing off his member and probably not realising before he was very well endowed he perhaps wanted a bit more exposure, particularly as he had clearly seen how transfixed i was by his giant phallus! Eager to expose again he repeated the question - now up to this point it was always me suggesting ideas and doing the talking - but Steven enjoying his new found status wanted to know the next 'Dare'

That was going through my head.....
"I know" i said, wanting to up the ante, "....i dare you to drink coke after i have dipped my cock in your glass!...."
God knows why i was suddenly a body fluid swapping game like this but after the first one it seemed the natural way to go.....

"Ok" he said with a shrug of his shoulders "you first..."
again Steven proceeded to dip his giant meat into a freshly poured glass of coke and then passed it to me, i took a sip and it didn't taste any different to normal so if finished it off i then Returned the favour and feeling more at ease really exposed my cock this time getting a good dip in his cola drink, Steven didn't hesitate and drank it immediately

"What's next....?" Steven enquired
"I am not sure" i replied, this was a lie of course i already knew what i wanted but plucking up the courage was going to be tricky despite how the last 20 minutes had gotten us acquainted closely!
After a few moments of awkward silence i decided to go for it "i know" i said "i have got one..."
"Ok" Steven replied "what is it?"

Suddenly i didn't feel quite so confident to spit it out, so i paused...
"What is it" he repeated
"Well....errrm" i mumbled
"Go on" came back Steven
"I dare you to lick my cock!" There i have said it i thought its one way or the other how he's going to react....
"Ok" replied Steven not quite as assured as the last 2 responses previously "you first" said Steven

"What me do it to you?" I enquired
"Yes you to me first..." he said

I got up out of the bed and approached Stevens bed, the table between us was an obstacle so i went round it, Steven had whipped the sheets back and his cock was already exposed, i leant in, i could smell it - it was a strong smell of sex and up close it looked bigger than i realized from a distance. I put my head down to his waist and opened my mouth, exposing my tongue i licked a small length of the shaft - it tasted delicious, i wanted to touch it so put my hand around the shaft picking it up and bringing it closer to my mouth l licked it again down the shaft..... it was amazing! I didn't want to appear to be enjoying it too much so i let his member free of my grasp and returned to my bed.....

Steven repeated the dare on me, and despite being considerably smaller he seemed to enjoy it just the same..

I cant remember anything else that night happening, we went to sleep and i was happy knowing i had found a cock friend who if not as keen as me to repeat everything was seemingly happy to let me have his cock....

The next time:

It felt like quite a while passed before our next exchange, we still hung out, played football and did stuff but nothing was mentioned for a while about that night....
One evening we had been playing football at a field on the edge of our village, Me, Steven and his brother - we literally stayed their for hours and eventually Steven's brother left as he was knackered, "great" i thought i have Steven alone in a secluded spot where no one could see us...

We finished our game and we stood around hitting the ball against our bikes and killing time until it got dark, I am sure we wanted the same thing but as it was quickly becoming clear it was going to be down to me to investigate anything happening.....

After what seemed like an age, knowing we were alone and well sheltered from view i plucked up the courage "Do you want to do a repeat of the night at mine...." i enquired, it had taken what seemed like ages for one of us to pluck up the courage to ask and as i was figuring out pretty early on, it was going to be me doing the asking if anything was to happen...

"Ok" said Steven and with that we moved away from the trees to a more secluded area of the field where no one could see us...
By now it was dusk and as the light faded and it got colder i couldn't wait for the buzz of seeing his giant pole again.
"Take down your shorts.." i suggested and within an instant they were aroud his ankles soon to be followed by his briefs..

I had thought long And hard about Stevens cock since the first viewing and i was dying to have a mouth full such was its effect on me around...
As we faced each other laying on the grass Steven pulled up his top to reveal his cock - this time it seemed even more beautiful, and bigger!

I moved down so my head was level with his groin area, Steven has expressed concerns during one brief chat about actually sucking one another's cock but whatever he thought of it - and whether it was too much too soon i didn't care, i reached around his shaft (although i still couldn't reach all the way round due to his girth) and pulled him towards me, again the smell of his sex was instant, this was my time, i had waited for this and was determined not to let the chance pass regardless of what Steven did or didn't want to do to me....

I opened my mouth and let my thick lips slide over his shaft, his head was really wide and as i sucked on it i enjoyed kissing his slit with my tongue, i then sucked down his shaft as much as i could, his thick girth quickly filled my throat and mouth but i was determined to enjoy it so i sucked up his cock back to the top and then sucked downwards again ensuring my lips remained tight around his cock.. i was really enjoying the moment as Steven - i could tell as he moaned in delight at the warmth my mouth brought to his cock out in the open....
as i could tell he wasn't going to come soon i stopped and raised my head off his pole, i licked my lips..."that is a .." i said licking the saliva off my thick wet lips which were still tasting of cock...

"I thought you enjoyed it..." Steven said.
"Now turn over and let me press my cock into your arse..." he said in stern voice.

I rolled over to my side facing away from Steven, i felt him tug my shorts down and then my briefs, i felt him nudge near to me...
And that was it, his giant beast pressed into my arse cheeks and slotted neatly between them, being young and not knowing at this stage what we were doing we didn't have any intention of having sex - but to me as the bottom this felt great... Steven pushed his cock hard into my arse and i pushed hard against him it felt so good, he reached round to play with my cock a little....

After a few Minutes Steven turned me round and sucked my cock... it was nice but i could tell at this stage as he had the and me the arse i was the bottom for him and i also was leading the way with performing oral on his giant beast! I didnt complain though...
A week later i made it clear to Steven i needed his cock again so he suggested he erect his dads tent in his rear garden for us to sleep in overnight - "what a great idea" i said and with that his family tent was erected and it agreed with his parents we would sleep in it for a few nights. We set up the tent with sleeping bags, food and fizzy Cole and bedded down for the night...

After an hour of drinking and talking i pulled a dice from my pocket and told Steven i had invented a game for us to play called "the dice game"
"How does it work.." Steven enquired
"Simple " i said "each role of the dice involves a sex act you perform on the other person...."
"Sounds like fun" said Steven "you first"

I rolled the dice - a 3
"What does that entail then...?" He enquired
"I get to play with my hands with your cock"

And with that i pulled down his joggers and reached for his manhood, i began stroking it as Steven's eyes rolled around he clearly enjoyed my 2 minutes of feeling his cock...
"Times up" i said
Steven picked up the dice and gave it a good role across the sleeping bags - "2" he exclaimed! "What's my prize" he said
" suck my balls for 2 minutes..."

And with that Steven got down between my legs and sucked the life out of my balls, licking them, sucking them whole in his mouth one at a time and generally enjoying them... it was quite a sensation but after 2 minutes he stopped.....

I rolled again - it was a 6, great i thought i had to perform all 4 of the acts on him, so i set to work, number 1 involved me sucking his cock for 2 minutes, no.2 as Steven had done to me i got to repeat on his tennis ball sized balls and lick them all over, 3 again i got to repeat my 2 minutes of cock play with my hands, number 4 neither of us had done so far but it was a repeat of the time Steven got to press the beast in between my arse cheeks - it felt better this time though being in a sleeping bag together and with that i thrust more into him so i could feel his penis near the entrance to my back door..!

After several minutes of the first 4 tasks i stopped, my hands smelt of Stevens pole, my arse ached for his cock and my mouth tasted like a cock saliva pit! It was beautiful

Steven grabbed the dice and rolled a 5 - i got to choose any from 1-4 for him to perform on me, i. Knew i wanted to cum so i picked 3 "play with my cock.." i said, with that his arm reached over to me and Steven began jerking at my cock..

After a minute i could feel my cock swelling, as Stevens motion got smoother and faster i felt spasms begin to shoot up my cock - i was cumming - with him for the first time, i literally exploded all over the sleeping bags - and it kept cumming, i was moaning in as i came all over the tent, I had to remove Stevens hand as it was so sensitive when he was touching me, i smiled after i had calmed down "Thank you" i said and with that i laid down in my cum soaked bed and fell asleep..

In the morning we woke at the same time, "Morning" Steven said to me, "Morning i replied - "did you enjoy last night i enquired...?" "Sure did" said Steven, i leant over to him and kissed him on the lips, Steven arched back away from me, "what's up?" I said....
There was no reply

"Steven, we have performed together, you have practically fucked me, you have watched me cum - i would say we are literally boyfriends now - and i would expect a kiss to be a minimum requirement.."
"I guess so" came the reply
" i know so!" I said

And with that i leaned over held his face and kissed him again on the lips, this time he didnt draw back and we soon were embraced in a full on snog, i tongued gently into his mouth - and could taste my cock juice on his tongue.... after a minute of kissing we stopped, i got up and left - knowing full well this wasn't to be the only time we would get up to such hot action....

To be continued....

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